We had our monthly photo shoot today and I took a lot of pictures... I mean, like 30 pictures... yeah, a lot. I couldn't get enough of her. She was so alert and cooperative. Here are some of my favorites:
If Audrey could talk, she would probably be saying: "Mom, what are you doing? Why do you have my dressed like this? And why are you talking so funny?"
See, Audrey was having fun!
I took this one without the tutu so we can see her whole body, long legs and feet and all.
At 2 months...
Audrey weighs 10 pounds, 13 ounces and measures 23 inches long!
In the last month, she has grown an inch and a half and a pound and a half. This puts her in the 75th percentile for length, and 50th percentile for weight (Source: CDC.gov WHO growth standards). Perfect! We think she's going to be a tall girl.
Audrey is wearing size 0-3 months clothes
Although, some of the 0-3 months onesies are snug on her. Especially the ones that we wash over and over again. Also, there's a pink Puma outfit that I love dressing her in to run errands and that's snug on her now. Maybe I'm just shrinking it in the wash? Nah, I don't think so. :) I hate to see her grow out of these cute clothes! Most of her Christmas outfits are 0-3 months, so she just needs to stay that size until after Christmas. Then she can move up to 3-6 months. I will be prepared.
Audrey wears a size 1 diaper
She has worn this size since birth and it's still serving us well. I think we have another 3 pounds or so to go before she's size 2. We do have a big box of transitional size 1-2 diapers that we will use after we run out of 1's.
Audrey is eating about every 3 hours during the day and frequently sleeping through the night. There are still some nights that she'll wake up every 3-4 hours, but more and more frequently she is sleeping all through the night from about 10pm or 11pm to 4am or 5am. I'm reading On Becoming Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep so we can start getting into a routine. Up until this point, Audrey has done pretty well with a routine; she regulates her eating to about every 3 hours (and has ever since she was just a couple weeks old), she naps when she needs to during the day, and she sleeps well in her crib. It's just that sometimes her wake-up time varies for that first feeding so then our days are not as predictable. I still have a few weeks to get us into our daycare/work routine, but I'm getting started now. They say it takes a few days for a baby to get into a new routine, so hopefully she'll consistently be sleeping through the night every night very soon!
Audrey is so alert during her awake time. She is so much fun with her smiles and laughs and sounds. She wakes up smiling and laughing. She loves when we sing to her (even when I sing to her, poor girl). So much fun! And it's pretty funny what Carl and I will do to get her to laugh. If only there were a hidden camera in our house. You guys would think we were nuts. Anything to get her to smile and laugh! She is such a beautiful, happy baby. We visited the Applied Systems office last week to visit my coworkers and they all commented on how happy and alert, but quiet she is. She is such a good baby! And at our 2-month checkup, all the nurses and Dr. Tess were so pleased with how easy-going and happy and alert she is. Dr. Tess said she was his easiest patient! And the cutest too. (Wait, that's what I said.) Although, she did have to get 2 shots at this appointment, so let's see if she's as cooperative in the future. She took the shots like a champ, but she sure wasn't happy about it. She let us hear her screams! But then after a few minutes of crying, she calmed down. She was sucking on her paci really hard. She has been a little irritable since getting them, but no fever or big change in behavior. Next checkup is at 4 months where she'll get a couple more shots. They say it's harder on the parents to see their babies getting shots. I agree that it is so hard! I keep telling her that we still love her and it's going to be better in the long run. Of course I'm trying to reason with her. Do you think she understands? ;)
Audrey can nap/sleep anywhere. She almost always falls asleep when we run errands or go out to eat. That makes it so easy to take her places. People tell us to take advantage of it and go do things now, because once she's a toddler and up moving around, we won't be able to go out as easily! Grandma Larson plays piano in a Dixieland Jazz band called The Dixie Bandits. This past weekend, they played at a coffee shop in downtown Joliet. We surprised Grandma Larson and came to see her play! It was pretty loud in there. They have I think 7 different musicians and instruments, and it got loud.
Would you believe it that Audrey fell asleep and slept right through all the noise? What a good baby! Here she is listening to the band with her Daddy:
Sidenote: The coffeeshop, Jitters in downtown Joliet, is the cutest place. They had great food (we had the Muffaletta sandwiches and pumpkin pie) and the people are so nice. You must stop by there if you're in Joliet.
It has been a really great month. This past month really flew by, even faster than the first month. And I know with Christmas and New Year's, this next month will go by even faster. I'm really enjoying my time at home with Audrey. I don't want it to end!
We love you, Audrey!