How far along: 32 weeks and 5 days
Size of baby: Audrey weighs as much as a large jicama, about 3.75 pounds. She is about 16.75 inches, head to heel.
Total weight gain: I had my 32-week checkup on Monday, the day after a good food weekend. Doesn't it always happen like that? Well, at my appt I had gained 29.8 pounds (not to 30 yet, folks!). But I think my eating habits have kinda evened me out this week because this morning I was only up 29 pounds. Either way, I'm close to hitting the 30 milestone.
Maternity clothes: I finally bought the support belt this week! I really like it. I went to the maternity store on Monday night and they were so helpful! The one sales lady helped me try on all the different support belts in the store. Literally, she put them on me in the middle of the store. I ended up going with this one, the Loving Comfort Maternity Support Belt:

It has 3 pieces to it: (1) The front piece that goes on the "underneath" of the front of the belly; (2) the larger piece that goes around my back; and (3) the band that goes on top of the belly. It really does make a big difference, not only to relieve the pressure on my pelvis and belly, but also in my back which I didn't anticipate. And my back (especially my upper back) has really been bothering me this week. So glad I finally got around to purchasing this support belt! I don't wear it to work, only on walks and sometimes when I'm laying around at home. Oh, and of course when I was in the maternity store, I had to look around and purchased some really good items. They had a big sale that I took advantage of (of course!) where all sale items were an additional 40% off. Really. So I got a black hoodie, black comfy shorts, shirt (casual or to wear to work), and a black sweater cardigan. And ya know what? The total of those 4 items was less than the support belt alone. That's a good shopping trip!
Gender: Girl
Movement: She has been all up in my ribs this week. And she's been moving like crazy. It gets a little uncomfortable sitting down all day since she's sitting/kicking so high. But it's worth it. Still so cool to feel her moving all around!
Sleep: I've been sleeping okay lately. Still very tired and falling asleep very easily at night. When I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I feel Audrey moving quite a bit. I know that's just a phase, though... once she's born, she's going to sleep all through the night. Right? ;)
What I miss: Bending over or moving my body quickly. I'm feeling pretty limited in my mobility lately. I've really started to feel this just over the past few weeks. And a lot of times I'll forget that I can't bend over until I'm already doing it. Sometimes I just forget how big my belly is.
What I don't miss: (I added this category this week) I just have to mention that I love my complexion during this pregnancy. My face isn't oily (and it's summer, which is the oiliest time of year!) and my hair is not greasy. I could probably get away with not washing my hair every day. I only did that once, though, and it threw me off my game not having my normal routine in the morning getting ready for work. (Note: I took a shower, just didn't wash my hair!) I only get the occasional blemish on my face. I'm loving these pregnancy hormones!
Cravings: Last grocery store trip, I picked up Honey Teddy Grahams. How long has it been since you've had Teddy Grahams? They're so good! They caught my eye and I couldn't pass them up. :)
Symptoms: General uncomfortableness most days from kicking in my ribs; upper back pain; peeing a lot. That sums it up for my complaints this week.
Best moment this week: Of course it's always great to hear Audrey's heartbeat at the checkup. And it's nice hearing that my health and Audrey's health are good. We also started talking about Pediatricians, which is exciting. But the best moment by far was my baby shower on Saturday. It was so much fun! It was so great to be surrounded by family and such great friends. It was a small, intimate shower that was just perfect. And did I mention that it was beautifully decorated and had great food?! I can't wait to post about it!
This weekend is Labor Day weekend - 3 day weekend, yeah! Cynda and Crystal are coming up and we, along with Katie Korte, are having a girls weekend. I'm really looking forward to it!
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