My cousin Keely was so nice to throw me this wonderful shower at my Aunt Faye's house in Decatur on August 27th, 2011. Here is a pic of me and the host:
Note: I had a goal to get a picture with everyone at the shower, but somehow I didn't get a picture with my Aunt Faye.. what the heck!
It was the most beautiful shower! The theme was "My Little Cupcake". Here are some pics of the cute invitation that set the tone for the shower and gave indication that we would probably have some cupcakes at the shower. Yum!
Look at how beautiful the decorations were! This was the front room and what everyone saw when they first entered the house. Isn't my Aunt's house gorgeous!

The tables were just beautiful. I love the pink and the green together. The centerpieces were gorgeous flowers and floating candles in square vases. Would you believe that the flowers came from my Aunt Faye's garden? Seriously. They are Annabelle Hydrangeas. (Fun fact: Keely's daughter's name is Chloe Annabelle, named after this beautiful flower!) Keely is so creative... if you look closely, you may be able to see that the base of the flower is unique. It's a bottle (a real baby bottle!) with diapers wrapped around it. Isn't that such a good idea? She sent all the bottles and the diapers home with me. And at each place setting, she had candy favors for everyone. The pink goody package on the plates says, "Sugar & Spice And everything nice That's what little girls are made of". And she special ordered the jelly beans cups to say "Abby's Shower, Sweet Thanks".

The food was delicious! See my post from last week about the "good food weekend"... yeah, I was talking about this food! I drank about 4 glasses of pink lemonade - yum! One of my favorite things in the world is chicken salad on a croissant. So good! And they also had a beautiful fruit platter, delicious mixed salad of mixed greens, strawberries, and pecans, and coleslaw.
Keely and Aunt Faye really made this shower so special for me and our guests. Here are some pics of me with my good friends that were in attendance:
From top left (clockwise): Cynda Marr (25 weeks pregnant!) and her mom, Sherry Derbort; Kristen Legner; Barb Wilkey & Maci Whetstone, Crystal Whetstone's mom & daughter; Crystal Whetstone. It really meant a lot to me to have my closest friends with me! Also in attendance was Joyce and Jennifer Larson, my Mother--in-Law and Sister-in-Law (I didn't get a pic with them either, shame on me!) and my Mom and sisters. Here is a pic of me with my Mom and sisters at my parents house before the shower:
Everyone was so generous! We received so many gifts for baby Audrey. I will post pics of the gifts soon...