About Me

Hi! I'm Abby. My husband, Carl, and I are happily married since October 2007. Our little family of 2 (well, 3 if you count Chief, the dog) added one more in October 2011 when we welcomed Audrey Elizabeth, our first child into the world. Our life was forever changed. And to add to the joy and excitement, we added another daughter, Clara Marie, in May 2014. I wanted to create this blog originally to document all the milestones throughout my pregnancy with Audrey so we could remember that special time in our lives. And now I get to write all about Audrey and Clara and our life with these amazing "Larson Ladies", which is so much more fun!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Audrey is 5 months old!

Audrey is 5 months old today, March 15th, 2012!

Weight:  14.6 lbs (per our scale at home)
Length:   {unknown}
Clothes:  size 6 months (3-6 months)
Diaper: size 1-2 Huggies (Still! I think we are on the last package now, though, and will move her up to size 2 soon.)
Food:  I am nursing Audrey in the morning and at night before bed, and she has been getting 3 bottles of breastmilk at daycare (2- 5oz bottles + 1- 3oz bottle) with 2 feedings of cereal mixed with 2oz formula at "dinnertime" and “lunch”.
Sleep:  Audrey is mostly sleeping through the night still!  This past month, she was a little less predictable.  I think she was going through a growth spurt.  A couple nights, she woke up wanting to eat.  And then for over 2 weeks, she was waking up at 5am (instead of her normal 6am) and wanted to eat right away.  She has been napping less at daycare, on average about 2-2.5 hours total.

 I love this sequence of pictures... this month, Audrey wanted to eat the stuffed puppy dog.  Doesn't she look guilty in the 3rd picture?

What a happy little girl!

I am proud to say that Audrey has gone 5 months with strictly breastmilk in her bottles.  We were even mixing her cereal with breastmilk, but then stopped after about a week (I didn’t want to waste the breastmilk!) and started mixing with formula.  But that’s all the supplementing we’ve done.  Now, after 5 months, we’ve decided that it is a good time to supplement her bottles with formula when needed.  When I first started pumping at work, I had a really good supply of milk.  I would get at least 16 ounces of milk between my 3 pump sessions at work.  Well, now 2 months in, my supply has decreased.  I’m not sure if it’s because my body knows it’s not Audrey, if it’s stress because of work, if it’s lack of sleep, or if it’s just my supply decreasing.  Who knows.  But it really stresses me out if I’m not able to get a sufficient amount of milk in 1 day.  Some days I only get 9 oz at work, good days now I get 11 oz.  Most days, I’m usually somewhere in between, right around 10 oz.  For a couple weeks this past month, I was getting up at 3am to pump.  I was hoping that would increase my supply during the day and also just have another session to help get the 12-15 ounces Audrey needed during the day at daycare.  It was really strange waking up to pump, even though Audrey was sleeping through the night.  I’m glad that we made it to this 5-month mark, and I plan on continuing to breastfeed her hopefully until her 1st birthday.  It’s a special time that I get to have with her in the morning and at night, not to mention that I want to continue the health benefits that the breastmilk provides.  

Audrey has been sucking her thumb less this month.  She’ll still find her hand if she drops her pacifier, but she prefers her pacifier.  Although she does like to eat with her hands.  It’s pretty funny watching her eat her rice cereal.  We have to hold her hands down… otherwise she will keep them down so we can put the spoon in her mouth, then she brings her hands up to suck her thumb.  Like it helps the cereal go down.  So cute.  And so messy!  Needless to say, we wait until after dinner for bathtime. 

Audrey’s still a very active little girl.  She loves her bathtime and loves to play and splash around.  That is one of the highlights of our day… giving Audrey a bath.  We laugh the whole time!  She’s still rolling all over her mat (and her crib!), and she can sit up when I hold her hands though she still needs assistance.  She is really growing into her jumparoo... her feet (well, one foot at a time) touches the ground now!  She’s growing and getting stronger every day; it’s really incredible.
Check out that hair!  Overall, her hair is getting lighter, but she still has the
really dark baby hair at the bottom... right below her bald area.  Love it! 
Audrey is laughing a bit more now and cooing and making a bunch of noise.  Carl or I can get her laughing at least once every day.  Carl can really get her going when he is playing with her before bathtime.  Just this past week, she started snorting at him because she’s laughing so hard.  And there have been several times that I’ve been in the other room and heard her laughing at Carl.  They are so cute together!

I’ve been taking advantage of this beautiful weather lately.  It has been in the 60s-70s for the past week.  Every night when Audrey and I get home, we go for a walk around the neighborhood.  This is the kind of working out I can do!  I get to spend time with Audrey and look at her cute smiling face the whole time.  Our normal route is 1.6 miles and usually takes us about 30 minutes.  Our longer route (usually reserved for weekends) is about 2.3 miles.  Carl usually heads out with Chief when he gets home from work and meets us somewhere halfway.  Most days, Audrey falls asleep during our walks.  Fresh air and the rhythm of the bumps in the sidewalk work every time.  

We have established a good nightly/bedtime routine that works for Audrey.  Our nightly routine goes like this:
5:30pm – get home from daycare, change Audrey’s diaper, then head out for a walk (when the weather’s nice) or watch Ellen on TV
6:30pm – feed Audrey cereal
6:50-7pm(ish) – Bath
7:15-7:30pm(ish) – I nurse Audrey; Carl washes bottles and makes bottles and packs my pump bag for the next day (Carl’s the BEST! It’s a huge help that he takes care of this!)
7:45-8pm(ish) – Carl gets Audrey ready for bed, reads her a bedtime story, and puts her to sleep for the night

Happy 5 months, Audrey Bear!  It's been a really, really good month.  It just keeps getting better and better spending time with our happy girl and seeing you grow.  We love you!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

God Bless Audrey Elizabeth Larson

Our baby girl was baptized on Sunday, February 19, 2012 at the 10:30am church service at our church, Shepherd of the Hill Lutheran Church in Lockport.

It was a wonderful service where both Audrey and another little boy were both baptized.  Audrey was such a good little girl.  She didn't even cry when the holy water was poured on her head.  

After she was baptized, Pastor Dealy and his assisting minister, Meredith, "introduced" Audrey to the congregation as the newest member of the church.  She looked so beautiful in her gown!     

Carl and I asked our good friends Cynda and Andy Marr to be Audrey's Godparents.   Cynda and I have been best friends since High School and we've experienced a lot together.  They are really important people in our lives, and it was an honor that they want to be so involved in Audrey's life.  Audrey is so lucky to have Cynda and Andy as her Godparents.  They care about her so much and are such great role models for her.  Even though they live in Springfield (about 2 1/2 hours South of us), I'm excited for our families to grow up together.     
Audrey's Godparents: Cynda and Andy Marr

Pastor Dealey
Grandma and Gramps Patton

Great Grandpa Hahn

Grandma and Grandpa Larson 
Aunt Amber & Aunt Ashley

We wanted to celebrate the occasion with our family and friends and have them all over to our house for a luncheon celebration.  

We had a lot of people travel in from out of town to be with us:  
  • Audrey's Godparents, Cynda and Andy Marr and their son Colby (10 weeks old) came up from Springfield
  • Cousins Kadie and Bella also came up from Springfield
  • Cousins Keely, Matt, and Chloe traveled here from Indianapolis
  • Aunt Faye and Uncle Jim and Grandpa Hahn came up from Decatur on Saturday
  • And of course my parents (Grandma & Gramps Patton) and Ashley came up from Decatur/Forsyth on Saturday morning

It really was a beautiful celebration.  Grandma Patton is so creative and so talented and worked so hard planning for this party.  Isn't it just beautiful?  We cannot thank her enough for this amazing party!
We moved out the furniture so we could fit the tables and chairs
Beautiful fresh flowers decorated each table and the dessert table.
These containers are the same ones that we used for the pew decorations and
cocktail decorations at our wedding.  
The main feature was the dessert table.  Grandma Patton made the sign, all the
tissue pom poms, and the paper chain. Isn't it amazing?

Desserts: Cupcakes, White Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Jordan Almonds, Hershey Kisses,
Puppy Chow, Wint-o-Green Mints, M&M's,  Sugar Cookies in the shape of a Cross,
Iced Rice Krispie Treats, Pirouettes, Sugar Cookies shaped and decorated as Baptism Gowns,
White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Squares (not pictured), and Cream Puffs dusted with powdered sugar (not pictured).

As soon as the church service as over, Amber and Ashley started cooking.  Here, they are making the pasta for the salads and the soups.  
We served homemade Portillo's Chopped Salad, Pasta e Fagioli, and La Gondola (Decatur, IL) sub sandwiches 
Grandma Patton and Aunt Amber

Gramps Patton, Great Grandpa Hahn, Ryan, Kadie Patton, Keely McClure
Keely with Audrey
Gramps Patton and Great Grandpa Hahn
Great Grandma & Great Grandpa Bockelmann, Aunt Janet, and Grandma Larson
The Larson's: Carl, Uncle Tom, Aunt Jeanie, Aunt Cheryl, Ross,
Uncle Ross, Aunt Keri, Jennifer, Jill, and Grandpa Larson
Aunt Faye with Audrey, Matt and Chloe McClure
Last picture... I have to post it.  Check out Audrey's bloomers!  She wore them under her baptism gown.  Love them!
The bloomers were a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Grider

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Carl's 31st birthday was on Saturday, February 18th!  Carl is such a special guy, the best husband and Dad that Audrey or I could ever ask for.  It was so fun getting to celebrate him on his birthday.  Here is a pic of Audrey and her Daddy on the morning of his birthday:

Audrey just loves her Daddy.  She laughs at him and is always smiling at him.  And whenever she gets fussy, Daddy can really soothe her by just holding her.  She really adores him!  And it really is a sight to see Carl playing guitar for her.  Sometimes she just watches him, studying his hands and his face and the guitar; other times she shouts out in excitement.  She is such a happy girl spending time with her Daddy.

Audrey wanted to give her Daddy a really special gift for his birthday:
Underneath Audrey's picture is a guitar pic that is engraved.
It reads, "You rock Daddy! Love, Audrey"

Carl go to spend his 31st birthday getting ready for Audrey's baptism.  Lucky him, right?  We really put him to work making him run errands and clean and move furniture.  But the cool thing is that we had a lot of family in town.  It was neat being able to have them over to celebrate his birthday.  On Saturday night, we had Grandma and Grandpa Larson (Carl & Joyce), Aunt Jennifer, Grandma & Gramps Patton (Tim & Donna), Aunt Amber, Aunt Ashley, (Great) Aunt Faye and Uncle Jim, and (Great) Grandpa Hahn over for Nancy's pizza and black forest birthday cake (at Carl's request of course).

Carl's birthday also marks the 1 year anniversary of when we found out that we were expecting a baby.  We had no idea then if our baby was a boy or girl and what he/she would be like.  It's an understatement to say that being Audrey's parents has really exceeded our expectations.  She is the best!  So fun and so beautiful and funny and happy.  We could have never imagined being so lucky to have Audrey as our daughter.

It's hard to believe that last year we were on a Metra Train Pub Crawl celebrating Carl's 30th birthday, and this year we were celebrating our daughter's Baptism.  What a difference a year makes!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Audrey is 4 months old!

Audrey turned 4 months old on February 15th.

We were scheduled to have her 4-month checkup with Dr. Tess on Thursday, 2/16, but Audrey was sick all that week with a bad cough.  So we rescheduled to today, 2/21/12.  Overall, she looks really good.  Dr. Tess was really pleased with her development, growth, and overall health.  She had to get 1 shot today.  Thank goodness it was only 1 shot... it was a combo with 3 shots in 1.  I held Audrey on my lap while the nurse gave her the shot in her right leg.  She took it like a champ!  No crying at all!

Weight:  12 lbs 15 oz (30th percentile)
Length:  25.5 in (75th percentile)
Clothes:  size 6 months (3-6 months)
Diaper: size 1-2 Huggies
Food:  Breastmilk with 1 feeding of rice cereal mixed with breastmilk at "dinnertime".
Sleep:  Audrey is sleeping through the night!

My Mom's friend, Mrs. Grider, gave Audrey this headband. Isn't it the cutest?!

I can't get enough of these leggings!

Audrey still continues to entertain us and make us laugh.  Her smiles are the best thing in the whole entire world.  Here is a recap of this month in pictures:

This is our "Snap Out of It" picture.  It makes me laugh so hard, and now anytime anyone needs a "snap out of it", this is what we email.  So funny!  We've joked that I should send this in to Ellen, but we need to come up with a good caption/back story first.  Suggestions welcome!

One early morning before daycare: 
Audrey loves her teachers at daycare (or "school" as we call it), Ms. Andresson, Ms. Craig, and Ms. Hill.  They are so nice and really enjoy Audrey.  When we get to daycare in the morning, Audrey looks up and just smiles at Ms. Andresson.  And in the afternoon either Ms. Craig or Ms. Hill will be watching her, and she just looks over and smiles at both of them, too.  That's reassuring to me.  I love seeing our little girl happy.  

Audrey is now sitting up with the help of pillows around her.
Audrey sitting up in her Boppy pillow

Audrey still loves sucking her thumb.  She loves bringing both of her hands together then bringing them to her mouth together to suck her thumb.  Now, she's interlocking her fingers a lot, too.    
Audrey taking a nap one morning.

Audrey loves to nap at daycare.  If she only naps for 2-3 hours on a given day, Carl and I joke that "we got our money's worth" that day.  Many days she naps from 9am-1 or 2pm... 4-5 hour straight without waking to even eat!  She's still sleeping through the night (for the most part), so we aren't concerned.

Audrey and Aunt Jennifer

I love this girl!  Look at that face. Seriously.

"Look! I want to wear bows in my hair when I play sports, just like my Auntie Amber does."

Seeing Audrey smile is the best thing in the whole world.  She has even started laughing a little bit, especially when Chief "speaks".  Love it!  And she really "coos" and makes a lot of sounds.  We have conversations sometimes where she will "razz"... like a wet gurgling sound that she makes.  Once she makes that noise, I will make it too.  We go back and forth.  I wonder what she's trying to say!

SuperBowl Sunday. Aunt Jennifer got Audrey this onesie, and ironically, this was the only outfit she didn't poop on that day.

Audrey now rolls over from her back to her stomach.  It's been about a week now that she's been able to do this, and it's really fun to see her playing on her activity mat.  The only problem is that now she's rolling all over the place in her crib.  She'll roll over to her stomach and start crying, not wanting to roll back over to her back.  As a result, naps at home have been a little more challenging. 

We started Audrey on rice cereal at "dinnertime" on 2/10/12.  Here is the video of her first taste of cereal.  It's runny, but it's cereal.  So cute!

We are just feeding the rice cereal once a day, but in about a week, we will add in another feeding.  By 5 months, Dr. Tess wants her to have 3 rice cereal feedings a day at standard mealtimes (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner).  Then at 6 months, we will start with baby food.  Oh boy!

Each day keeps getting more and more fun with Audrey!  We love our little girl!