About Me

Hi! I'm Abby. My husband, Carl, and I are happily married since October 2007. Our little family of 2 (well, 3 if you count Chief, the dog) added one more in October 2011 when we welcomed Audrey Elizabeth, our first child into the world. Our life was forever changed. And to add to the joy and excitement, we added another daughter, Clara Marie, in May 2014. I wanted to create this blog originally to document all the milestones throughout my pregnancy with Audrey so we could remember that special time in our lives. And now I get to write all about Audrey and Clara and our life with these amazing "Larson Ladies", which is so much more fun!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Car!

Carl and I have been thinking for awhile that we might need to get another car to replace his 2-door Honda Accord.  Carl's Accord really has been a great car for us.  It has over 140,000 miles on it and runs like a champ.  But after having Audrey, we realize that we are challenged for space.  I kept thinking about how we would transport Chief and Audrey in the same little car.  Even in the Camry (the bigger car of the 2), it would have been tough.  We didn't even know if the car seat would fit in Carl's car.  And even if it did, it would be a pain to fold up the front seat to crawl into the backseat with Audrey and fasten her in the carseat.  The only thing holding us back (well, holding me back!) was that both the Accord and Camry are paid off.  I really didn't want a car payment again!

We (by "we", I mean Carl) did a lot of research and we really liked the Mazda CX-9 Grand Touring models.  They have 3 rows of seats, which will be important as our family grows and for taking Chief along on trips with us.  Also, when we go down to Central Illinois, we're going to be bringing a bunch more stuff now.  This car has a lot more room.  So Carl and I headed out to test drive it and find out more about it.  We really liked it a lot!  And, they had 0% financing on the new 2011 models.  Good timing!

Both photos courtesy of Mazdausa.com

Isn't it beautiful?  It's so nice and has so many bells and whistles that we've never had in our cars before.  Carl really researched it and found the right dealer with one of the last 2011's in the area and even negotiated the purchase and trade-in.  That stuff stresses me out.  I thank God he took care of it all!  And he did a darn good job, too.  Love this new vehicle!!!

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