About Me

Hi! I'm Abby. My husband, Carl, and I are happily married since October 2007. Our little family of 2 (well, 3 if you count Chief, the dog) added one more in October 2011 when we welcomed Audrey Elizabeth, our first child into the world. Our life was forever changed. And to add to the joy and excitement, we added another daughter, Clara Marie, in May 2014. I wanted to create this blog originally to document all the milestones throughout my pregnancy with Audrey so we could remember that special time in our lives. And now I get to write all about Audrey and Clara and our life with these amazing "Larson Ladies", which is so much more fun!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Weeks 22 & 23

This post is a recap of last week, Week 22, plus an update on how I'm feeling in Week 23.  It's a combo!

How far along:  23 weeks and 4 days
Size of baby:  At 23 weeks, the baby is the size of a large mango (last week was a spaghetti squash!). She is a little over 11 inches now and weighs over 1 pound!
Total Weight Gain/Loss:  I think I'm up 16 pounds from pre-pregnancy.  I just keep on growing!  :)
Maternity Clothes:  I bought some new clothes from Target - a wrap dress, 2 black tank tops (just can't get enough!), and some undies.  I tried on the wrap dress this morning, and LOVE LOVE LOVE it.  I plan on wearing it to work and to a wedding we have at the end of July.  Love it!  It's really flattering and it's a nice fabric... and it was only $30.  Hooray!  I really am liking tighter clothes lately, as opposed to the big tented clothes.  I just look humongous in big loose clothes because of my large chest and belly.  The clothes that show off my figure a little more make me look a little smaller.
Gender:  She's a girl!  Our little Audrey :)
Movement:  It's been a monumental 2 weeks as far as movement.  I really started feeling her move on Father's Day, which was the start of my 22nd week.  And I told Carl that day that it would be soon that he should start feeling her kick because she really started kicking!  And sure enough, Carl got to feel her kick for the first time that very next night.  We were sitting on the couch watching TV and I thought I felt her.  I told him to put his hand on my belly and all of a sudden a big kick.  My eyes grew wide and I gasped, and when I looked over at Carl his eyes were huge too!  Really cool stuff!  And she's really been moving a lot ever since. I feel her everyday, sometimes during the day and a lot at night.  I feel like we went from 0-100 in no time at all.  Still in week 20 I was saying, "I think I'm feeling her move."  My doctor said one day there would be no mistaking it, and she was right!  I love feeling her kick and move all around!
Sleep:  I've been really tired this past week.  I don't know what it is, but just really tired.  Wanting to lay around all day and night and not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.  Last night, for instance, I went to bed around 9:30pm and didn't get up this morning until 6:35am.  Needless to say, I've been sleeping really well!
What I miss:  Nothing in particular
Cravings:  Today it was fried food and vegetables.  I even had 2 salads today!  And I've really been craving fruit for a long time now.  I love fresh fruit, but I am addicted to dried fruit right now.  I really love prunes... which is a good thing and sometimes a bad thing too.  :)  I have yogurt raisins for a snack in the afternoon, and I munch on dried apples or dried apricots when I need something small.  Either Audrey is really going to like fruit, or she's not going to like it at all!
Symptoms:  I've really had bad heart burn this week.  Today has been the worst!  Also, last week I really was suffering from swollen ankles and legs.  I bought a stool to elevate my feet when I'm at work and I think that's really been helping.  My ankles haven't been swollen at all this week!  Last week on Wednesday right before lunch, I started to get this sharp pain at the very top of my belly.  It started off small then really started to hurt.  I was at work and I had a call about 45 mins after it started.  I told myself that I would call the doctor if the pain hadn't subsided when I was off that phone call.  Good news is that it went away!  I was scared for awhile, but it must have just been bad gas or indigestion or something.  Thank goodness!  The pain lasted a little over an hour.  I felt the baby kicking afterward, so that set my mind at ease.
Best Moment This Week:  Has to be feeling the baby kicking.  That is awesome!  I can't even get enough of that.  Also, Carl's been working really hard on the house.  The downstairs floors are done and almost all the trim is back up.  That was a big milestone!  We love the floors!  Also we have gotten rid of all the extra furniture in the house that we wanted to get rid of.  Carl's friend from work, Joe, came over last night and took the bedroom furniture that used to be in our Master Bedroom and was just taking up space in the guest bedroom/nursery.  We had already sold the other bedroom set and gave away our old mattress.  Now the room is empty except for a mattress and it's ready for us to start filling it with furniture and baby stuff.  Exciting!  We are going to register this weekend and maybe we'll pick up a few things for the baby now.  :)

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