How far along: 38 weeks and 2 days (only 12 more days til my due date!!)
Size of baby: My updates say she's 7 pounds and is as long as a
leek (more than 19 1/2 inches head to heel). My mom thinks she's going to end up being over 8 1/2 pounds. We will see!
Total weight gain: Last week at my 37 week checkup (I know, I didn't do a 37 week update!) I had gained a total of 39 pounds. I just had my checkup tonight and I had lost about 1/10th of a pound from last week. That's a sign that I'm getting ready to deliver soon! I've had a couple signs actually. It's going to happen pretty soon!
Maternity clothes: I've packed my bag for the hospital so I have some of my comfy clothes packed in there. Now I really feel like I don't have any clothes. I'm just better off wearing dresses. They changed the dress code at work to include "dressy jeans" Monday through Thursday... that's right, jeans every day of the week (we've always had casual Fridays). But I'm still wearing my dresses. I don't really like jeans these days! Plus the weather's been really nice... and for a pregnant lady that means I am always hot and constantly sweaty. So my dresses are the best option for me!
Gender: GIRL
Movement: I don't feel her moving around
as much these days, but I do still feel her moving periodically throughout the day. On Friday, I was pretty busy all day and that night I was thinking that I hadn't noticed her moving, so I sat down on the couch and really focused on her movements. Amber stayed over that night after running a practice and a private lesson near our house. I called her over to feel Audrey moving. Amber really felt a lot of movements and she was
amazed! It was pretty cool. Audrey was really rubbing and kicking around up near the top of my belly near my rib cage. It was really strange for me, though, because every time Amber would feel it up top, I was getting a sharp pain down in my bladder. She really is long in there and covers a lot of area! Right now, as I type this, Audrey is putting on a show... getting her daily exercise I guess. I feel her on the left side of my belly today. This past week, it's all been on the right side. She must have shifted a little bit.
Sleep: Last night we had our tour of Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, where I will be delivering. I swear, my advice to pregnant women is not to wait until you are 38 weeks to go on a hospital tour! We were walking around the hospital for 90 minutes straight! Seriously, way too much activity for me. 39 extra pounds is a lot to be carrying around for that long. I was pretty grouchy when we got home because I was just exhausted! It's also been a really busy week at work. I'm training our department on a new software that we are going to start implementing. There's a lot that goes into that, and it's been pretty stressful. So, last night I was wiped out! I climbed into bed and my back was just killing me, so it was a "2-extra-pillows night". I had one pillow long-ways across the front of me wedged between my belly and the mattress and kind between my legs, just like always. Then last night, I had a pillow behind my back, too. It really helped take some pressure off my back and I slept pretty well. I still get up at least 3 times a night to go to the bathroom. Even Chief is used to it now... he doesn't even lift his head when I step over him in the bathroom. He's lucky I still have my balance, otherwise he'd be crushed. He sleeps either right in front of the toilet or across the doorway in the bathroom.
What I miss: I feel like I'm nervous all the time. I just want Audrey to be healthy. I just want to know what's going on with my body and when exactly I will know that I am in labor. I feel like I'm going crazy with this coming up so soon! Carl's really nice and reassuring. Everything will go really smooth with the labor and Audrey will be healthy. I just have to keep believing that! I'm healthy and she's been really healthy, and I'm just hoping it will stay that way. I have been feeling really good, but yesterday and today have kicked my butt. I'm feeling a lot more tired and uncomfortable. Mom said to me on Sunday that I didn't look miserable, which is good. But I've wondered how I've looked to other people yesterday and today. This morning when I came into work, I'm pretty sure I looked pretty miserable. I'm getting really ready! I know I'm going to miss being pregnant and sometimes I'm not quite sure I want to give it up yet. But other times, I can't wait to have Audrey here and not be pregnant. Soon enough!
Cravings: Gosh, I've been craving cinnamon rolls again. What the heck? That's like the 4th time during this pregnancy that I've said I've been craving cinnamon rolls. And if I've only
said it 4 times, you know I've craved them even more than that! :)
Symptoms: So I've already said that I've seen some signs that labor is fast approaching. One big thing...
ALERT: This is going to be TMI, so read at your own risk. Yesterday, I lost my mucus plug. For some people, they go into labor within 24 hours of losing their mucus plus. For others, it's more like 2-3 weeks. So, who knows. But things are moving and getting ready down there. All that means is that my cervix is "ripening" (that sounds weird). Basically, my body is preparing for everything to take place, so that's really good! Also, I didn't gain any weight from last week, which they say happens near the end of pregnancy. One of my friends at work told me today that I was flushed. She referenced the malar flush (I think that's what she called it). Apparently it means that you are going to give birth within the next couple days. And to top all of that off, it's a full moon
tonight, October 11, 2011. Who knows when little Audrey will make her appearance! And just another symptom that I have to mention is that my lower back has been killing me lately. It's not lumbar back pain either, kinda in the middle of my lower back. It's mainly on my right side, right near my kidneys. I especially feel the pain when I need to go to the bathroom or have gas. I know it's not back labor because it doesn't come and go, it's just there. The doctor said that back pain is inevitable at this stage in the game. The baby is big and growing, I weigh the most I've ever weighed before, and my center of gravity is majorly shifting. And my back is carrying all of that load and pressure.
Best moment this week: Carl and I are getting really excited. Carl probably more than me only because I'm held back a little by fear of the unknown. ;) It's really crazy to think that our daughter will be here in 2 weeks, if not before. We are so excited for our family to grow. Our 4-year wedding anniversary is this Thursday, October 13th. It's really crazy how much has changed in the last 4 years. Those 4 years have just flown by. They have been the best 4 years of my life... so far. I have a feeling the upcoming years are going to be pretty interesting. I keep thinking of the Alan Jackson song
Remember When. He sings:
Remember when the sound of little feet was music, we danced to week to week, brought back the love, we had trust, vowed we'd never give it up, remember when. I can't wait to have little feet pitter-pattering across our house. This past weekend, Keely and Chloe (16 months) came up from Indy to visit. It was really fun having a little kid in the house. She is a riot, so easy going and so happy and so curious. I was fun to have them stay over. Chief really took to her, too. He couldn't quit licking her. Ha! And then she would give him a run for his money and start chasing him, which was hilarious. Also my parents and Grandpa Hahn came up for a quick visit on Sunday. Mom and I went to Ikea and bought some more things for the nursery while Dad, Carl, and Grandpa stayed at home and watched baseball and football on TV. Grandpa hadn't been up to our house yet, so that was neat that he got to come up and see a part of our life up here. It's always so great having family around, especially when they don't live close by.
We are getting close! What do you think my next post will be? Do you think I'll have a 39-week update? Or do you think it will be a Labor & Delivery update? Only Audrey knows when she's going to be ready. :)